Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentines Fun

I love having the kids make their own valentines day cards.  I don't go crazy, but I usually get some cardstock, do something cute with a picture of them, and have them add stickers.  Simple, but homemade.

Sorry about the picture of Danes, my camera was a little flash-happy.  His preschool class is the monkey room, thus the monkey stickers.
Cute little Dane-ism-
I was getting out the stuff for the cards, and he kept telling me "mom, there are 5 gils (can't say his "r"'s still).  And I told him we were making the cards for everyone.  And he asks "for the boys too?"  Then when we were putting heart stickers on them he tells me again "I need 5 'hawts' for the gils".  He couldn't believe that we were putting heart stickers on the boys cards too (we don't address the preschool cards).  
I just think it's funny how he knows it's a kind of a "love" holiday, and wanted to just give the girls the cards.  How cute is that?
Genevieve's turned out really cute.  Hers are in spanish because she is in the dual immersion class.  They didn't have to be, but I thought it would be fun.

And these are the treats I made to go with the cards.  White chocolate dipped pretzel rods with sprinkles.  Yummy and EASY.


  1. Oh my, I am SO impressed! I couldn't even make the stupid Valentine's box. LOL I am so uncreative it's not even funny. I love all your ideas! :)

    And thanks for commenting on my cute kids. Yours are quite the lookers too. :)

  2. Amy, you are so creative. I love all your ideas you do with your kids, thanks for sharing...going to remember the pretzel idea for when Owen goes to a school where we can bring a treat not prepackaged and brought in with the ingredients listed.
