The kiddos had lot's of fun at the pumkin patch. Rumor is that it's the last year for Joan's. How sad that we won't get to keep measuring the kisds by the 'How tall this fall' sign anymore.

We had a mellow Halloween. Luke took the kids trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. His mom & Danny met up with them along the way. I stayed back to wait on the plumber and to start cleaning the massive flood in our laundry room. At about 5:15 Halloween night our pipes backed up and flooded the whole 'laundry/storage of crap that doesn't have a home' room. Don't worry, not the sewage pipe. It was the garbage disposal/dish washer/washing machine drain....yuck!
As if I don't already have enough stuff going on right now, I really needed to add this to the list of things that has to get done NOW. The best part was that the plumber people said they would be here in about an hour. That would have been 6:15. He showed up at 8:30. But this seems to be a theme lately. Sunday night when Luke locked our keys in the car at the Bocce Ball place in Livermore, AAA said they would be there in less than 30 minutes. An hour and a half later as we waited out front with Zeke, the driver finally showed up. Mind you our house is only like a 5 minute drive from there.
But I digress. Halloween.

hey just FYI for the next time you call AAA, if you tell them you have a baby with you they are suppose to bump you to the top of the list.