Since we had Genevieve's birthday party early, we still wanted to do something fun on her "actual" birthday which was sunday June 24th. If you didn't know, she shares her birthday with her Aunt Lisa (Luke's sister).
Anyhow, the fair was fun, the kids had a BLAST, and we spent a small fortune.
Later that night (being last night) we actually thought "this is it". At about 1:30am I started having painful contractions right on top of each other - like 2 minutes apart. I was in a panic because it came on so fast, and I knew I couldn't get into the car like that. My worst fear of not making it to the hospital was happening. Fortunately, they subsided after about 10+ minutes. I didn't sleep well after that, thinking they were surely going to start up again at any moment. It was a TOO REAL reminder of what labor feels like, and to be honest I'm a bit of a nervous wreck now. I wish I hadn't had that little glimpse as to what to expect again.
But here I am 24 hours later at 1:00am and nothing so far. What am I doing up you ask? Well, nights scare me at this point. Starting labor during the day doesn't seem as scary for some reason. But in the eery quiet of the night, knowing everyone else is asleep is unsettling to me. So here I am blogging :)