What a fun day with family and friends. The weather was beautiful, perfect for an outdoor party. The food was outstanding (I can say that because I didn't make it!), provided by (our friend) Cabana Dave's Catering. Tri-tip & pulled pork sandwiches...yum!

I made the birthday boy's cake, and the guests cupcakes. I was running a little behind and was still frosting and decorating as guests arrived - but they jumped right in to help me finish up (thank you SIL's Lisa & Winnie!)

Zeke enjoyed his cake. He didn't dig right in, but was slow and steady. He had a rythmic pace going that was working for him.

Yum cake!

And what would a first birthday party be without a cake fight? Between the honoree's parents of course =)

I guess there's still a little bit of kid in all of us.