This is long overdue, but we've been having fun preparing for Christmas...

We decided to cut down a tree this year. So on our way back from Thanksgiving at the Twain Harte cabin, we went through the little goldmining town of Columbia and up to a family-owned tree farm. The people were really nice, they had farm animals to feed and pet, the whole scene was just picture perfect. Until it was time to find a tree. You've never seen such sorry looking trees before. A whole farm of Charlie Brown neglected trees. They even had a a different breed of trees that were pokey like juniper bushes. But, the great thing about this tree farm is that all trees are the same price. So we figured let's get a Big Daddy of a tree. We ended up with an 11 ft skinny tree, with not so many branches. But I have to say after we dolled it all up it was beautiful. Now we've decided to make this our family tradition. We plan to keep going back to that tree farm for the challenge of finding a choppable tree out of all the duds.

We took the kids to see Santa at the Blackhawk Plaza. We would rather drive the extra 20 minutes and have no line, than do the mall thing. The kids did great. Zeke wasn't sure about the furry guy, but he didn't cry. I think it helped that he was there with big bro and big sis.