Luke called me on his way home from Sacramento, and this is how the conversation went.
Luke: I almost called you to ask you something, but I was pretty confident I knew the answer, so I went ahead with it.
Me: Oh no, what did you do?
Luke: I got the kids ducks.
Me: Ducks!?!
Luke: Shhhhh...Don't tell them, I want it to be a surprise
Me: You're kidding right?
Luke: Nope.
Me: Like big ducks? or babies?
Luke: Babies, like 2 week olds. They can live in the coop with the chickens. The guy at the farm supply store said the ducks can just live with our chickens and it's no big deal. Did you know that ducks can't swim until they're like 6 months old? So they would just sink in a pond. But they do drink lot's of water, way more than the chickens, so I got more water feeders.
Me: Don't ducks poop a lot? The kids get chicken poop on their feet everyday as it is. Is our backyard going to have duck poop everywhere?
Luke: I don't know. Probably. We can keep them confined in the dog-run, that was out intentions with the chickens.
Me: We can hardly keep the chickens out of our house, let alone inside the dogrun.
Luke: I thought the kids would like them.
Me: Um okay, but I wish you would have called, because I don't think you knew what my answer would have been :)